After consolidating for 25 years together with Claudia Lavista and Victor Ruiz, the company DELFOS contemporary dance and co-founding and directing the EPDM, Omar Carrum starts the WORLDrobed company as an independent project to develop and promote his artistic and pedagogical work. In 2021, becomes the resident company of Casa de Cultura Periodista of the Benito Juarez Alcaldía in México City and changes its name to ALQUIMIA ESCÉNICA. Through residencies in different countries, his company collaborates with local artists to create Physical theater works, perform, and give creation, training and pedagogy workshops.
In 2015 Omar Carrum creates the first CORPO GOURMET experience with Delfos in México, and in 2016 the first residency in BH, Brasil with Vladimir Rodriguez to create the works traZ-humante and sentid-DO for the company Camaleão. Since 2017 has made residences at the Festival Detonos and Casa Cortocinesis (COLOMBIA); at the Prisma Festival and the Gramo Danse company (PANAMÁ), with the Camaleão company (BRAZIL); at the Duncan Center and the Archa Theater (CZECH REP.); in the K-Grace Studio (JAPAN); and at the Universities of BOCO, Utah and Tulane (USA).
Currently has 11 repertoire works, where ESCape to the Void, Corpo Gourmet, Regla de tr3s and Alchemy of the 7 elements stand out.