“Esta página web es apoyada por el Sistema de Apoyos a la Creación y Proyectos Culturales (SACPC)”

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 After working for 24 years with Delfos Contemporary Dance company and co-founding and co-directing the EPDM Conservatory program in Mazatlan for 20 years, Omar Carrum stepped apart to deepen into his own Creative and pedagogical Quest.

He makes international residencies in collaboration with other artists to research, create, perform and teach around the world through his company ALQUIMIA ESCÉNICA and the professional school of Dance & Physical Theater TFYD .



previous Worldrobed


Alquimia Escénica es una compañía de Danza y Teatro Fisico dirigida por Omar Carrum y Angélica Acuña. 

Conformada por la integración y colaboración de artistas con diversas trayectorias, edades, experiencias y disciplinas performáticas; desarrolla su quehacer artístico en los ejes de la investigación, creación, circulación, gestión, difusión y pedagogía de las artes escénicas.

Como los antiguos alquimistas que pretendían descubrir los elementos constitutivos del universo, la transmutación de los metales y el elixir de la vida, los integrantes de Alquimia Escénica buscan transformar sus historias personales, cuestionamientos y procesos de vida en hechos escénicos, tomando el cuerpo pisco-físico como principal eje de estudio. 

“Consideramos al creador y al performer como un investigador que busca la transmutación de sus ideas para la creación de obras y procesos artísticos; y al público como un testigo que termina de construir la obra con su interpretación basado en su propia experiencia. “




ESCorporart is the meeting of Omar Carrum (Mexico) and Vladimir Rodríguez (Colombia), who develop a series of artistic collaborations that diversified in the field of research, creation and training from Contemporary Dance towards Theater. Starting with the piece ESCrito Absurdo, (work for two performers premiered in Mexico City in 2010 with more than 50 performances in Latin America) Omar and Vladimir turned this work into a permanent laboratory that gave way to innumerable collaborations and results that materialized in different places, both in their countries of origin and outside them.  

Among the most relevant results of this residencies was the development of the concept and practice of the improvisation method called ESCritura del movimiento improvisado (Improvised Movement ESCript).

The work traZ -humante was the result of a residency with the company Camaleão in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The creative process was a research trough out the dramaturgy and interaction with objects. 

The last project La Ruta, was premiered in Bogota at the International Festival Danza en la Ciudad, and at the CAMiN Festival in SLP, Mexico.

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Developed by Omar Carrum after 26 years of pedagogical experience and research, CONTINUUM is a training system based on continuous mechanics and kinematic principles, it aims for the continuity of the kinetic chains of movement, its path, and a very specific and uncommon way to use momentum, impulse, space, motion script and physical principles.

The system studies the continuity of movement trajectories and a sustained muscular and skeletal consciousness in order to learn how we can transfer, gather and spread our weight anywhere in our body, how the mechanics of each muscle and bone work, and how all our body parts can cooperate to move more efficiently, safely and smoothly.


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